Marianne's Update
Hi there, just thought I’d pop in and say that things are still on track for a March release for Burn Bright. When I have the cover we’ll be redesigning to site to have the appropriate gothicy, dark fantasy look.
IMT plans are afoot for more goodies for you. Belinda Hamilton will be coming on board as a regular columnist/blogger. Bel has a lovely light, humorous touch. If you haven’t read her blogs already then you’re in for a treat. Stand by for her blog on Steampunk fashion.
Bec has some outstanding ‘live’ (f-t-f) interview transcripts that she did at World Con with D.M Cornish and Alison Croggan. And Jamie and Amy have plenty of reviews in the pipeline, including Scott Westerfeld and Terry Pratchett.
If you’d like a particular YA book reviewed feel free to drop us a line with a request. We’ll do our best, and are always interested in getting our hands on some of the less well known material being published. Remember though, if we don’t like it, we don’t review it.