Life with Lisa: Happy Birthday To Me
Hey Ya’ll, I just want to start off by saying sorry that this post is a bit late. I had a rough day yesterday (headache, and lots of school work), and couldn’t find the time to make this post. But I’m feeling tons better today, and I’m ready to go! This isn’t going to be a very long post, promise! I always feel like I babble about a lot of random stuff, that probably doesn’t have anything to do with our topic of the week, or that you guys even care about. I’m really trying my best not to do that, but whenever someone gives me the chance to talk, I take the full opportunity, until someone shushes me, and I quietly sit back down. I think I’m doing it right now… Anyways!! Tomorrow isn’t just any Saturday, nope! It’s something veeeery special! It’s myyyyyy BIRTHDAY! I’m turning seventeen, isn’t that just bananas?….I feel really old. (I hope I can blow out all of my seventeen candles, and get my wish.) Sadly, my brother is off in college, so he won’t be able to spend it with us, but he’ll probably call me and sing Happy
Birthday over the phone. My friend Joyce took me to the movies today to see In Time with Justin Timberlake (which I hope to review, on next week’s Life with Lisa post!), and to get ice cream. YUM! My parents let me decide on where we should eat out, for my actual birthday (let me remind you, which is tomorrow!), and I picked Olive Garden! Have any of you ever been there? They have unlimited soup and salad; it’s to die for!
post-birthday p.s – And I ended my birthday in a perfect way: Josh came over to carve a HUGE pumpkin and we watched scary movies all night. …I don’t really like scary movies, but since it was Halloween, why not? – Lisa.
[The team at Burn Bright wishes you a Happy Birthday too, Lisa! 😀 ]