Krista Reviews: M J Stevens - "Divided"

stevens-dividedThe MECH power has been reawakened. They have driven the Guardians from their home, taken their powers and Selestia has been plunged into darkness. Trapped on an island off the coast of the Centreland, Mellea can only watch as her home is torn apart by the MECH’s leader, Doctor. When an unlikely ally creates a serum that will restore the Guardians, Mellea must fight the clock to find the Montarus family before Doctor makes her final move. But what good is a key if the lock is missing?

In Divided, the sequel to Bound, MJ Stevens fills us in on the characters’ back stories, enriches the world building and develops the story-lines. Mellea continues to be a very strong character and leader.  She has little time to find the Guardians, fill them in on what’s happening, and try to restore their powers because the MECHS have overrun the land, and there is no way Mellea’s people can win the battle without their powers. Many have given up hope.

I really enjoyed the first book, especially the love/hate relationship between Leo and Mellea. I was very excited to see that we didn’t lose any of that here. There are a lot of characters in this story and as they come together, so new connections form and others break. During this time of war, several of the characters have a hard time dealing with each other, and stress levels are high. There is a also a surprising twist when it comes to the main character, which is fantastic!

A lot of the story is told through dialogue with spots of either intense action or character development. There are times when a lot of information is given, and I had to take a break to digest what was happening. Stevens’ themes focus on family and how important sticking together is.

I have really enjoyed the books so far, and I recommend them to readers who like science fiction adventure. The characterization and world building is great; so are the story lines and conflicts. But best of all are Leo and Mellea–their back and forth relationship is entertaining, and I got a little emotional at times. Love, them!





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