Chris on Clothes: Xtreme Hair Dyeing
If you have even a tiny idea about who I am, you’d know that my hair is extremely dark brown and even black in some parts!
Of course, you’ve probably heard of the saying “We all want what we can’t have!” Am I Right?!
Well, in my case this is true. One day, I woke up thinking that I would look good with grey/silver hair. Sooooo, naturally, I went ahead and did it. I’m a teenager what do you expect?
So, I went to Sally’s just to find out that silver is THE hardest colour to achieve because your hair has to be super light. And when I say super light, I mean white. Your hair HAS to be white.
I got the products and went ahead and dyed my hair! The first time I bleached it, it turned an awful orange colour. So, I did it again. This time, it went yellow. Then, I toned it, which *supposedly* should have removed yellow and orange tones, to give your hair a white or “lightest ash blond” look.
AND… It didn’t work. AND… My hair felt like straw. Not even straw. It felt like an old wig. So, I had that colour for a week or so… During the week, I used a purple shampoo (which helps lighten hair to keep it silver or blond) which helped immensely!
After that week, I decided to give it another go! I bleached it again, and toned it this time with a toner to make it go silver. No luck. My hair STILL wasn’t light enough!
So… I left it another week to ensure the damage wasn’t too bad, and my hair was still strong, and remotely healthy.
After that week, I gave it (yet another) bleaching and a final tone. AND IT WORKED! Sorta. Parts went silver-y purple and others were still a white colour.
But, I think I’m pretty happy with the overall outcome. It very quickly faded into a nice blond that I think I’ll keep for a while.
Anyhow, yeah. That was my extreme hair dyeing adventure. It was fun, but a crazy process. If you have dark hair, I don’t recommend going for a pastel purple/silver colour. But, if you want to, and you’re serious about this (I mean, I did. I won’t judge) then I’d wait a few days, or even weeks between applications of bleach. Remember to use a good conditioner, as that’ll totally save your hair! I used one of those “Protective Hair Serum” from the salon, and it worked super well!