Cels Reviews: Jessica Shirvington—"Embrace"

The day before her birthday everything starts to change. There’s a present from her Mum left all those years ago that leaves her with more questions than answers, and a revelation from Linc that they are both Grigori – part angel and part human, and destined to be partners in the fight against exiled angels (just not the type of partners Violet was hoping for). Will Violet embrace her destiny or will feelings of betrayal win? At least she can lean on Phoenix, even if he is an exiled angel and should be the enemy; at least he hasn’t lied to her.
Embrace will challenge any preconceived ideas you may have about angels. It also offers a refreshing change, while retaining the dark edge most of us love in our paranormal romances. I found myself engrossed in this book, yet desperately wanting to reach the end to see which path Violet would take. The scenes are easy to imagine and well thought out. The only real downside was that some of the characters–particularly the exiled angels–lacked depth and weren’t as believable as others. Some scenes seemed a little drawn out but were still enjoyable.
If you’re like me and would normally skip over the bible verses and assorted quotes at the start of each chapter, I really recommend reading them: they were well matched to the storyline. I’m eagerly awaiting the next instalment in Violet’s journey and getting answers to lingering questions.
Embrace is Shirvington’s debut novel. The next in the series, Enticed, will be released in 2011.
For further info about Embrace, and to read an excerpt, click here.
Embrace – Jessica Shirvington
October 14, 2010 by Hachette
Paperback, 400 Pages
ISBN: 9780734411846