We’ve always loved Patrick Stewart, but this puts him to the top of our list.

TED talks are intrinsically fascinating, but some stand out above the others. For us Andrew’s discussion about unconditional Love is one that is both moving and inspirational.

We’d love for you all to watch it:


From Clutch Magazine an article on how America is ready for a young black woman to be the next Bachelorette. About time we say!



The tour stopped at Dark Matter Fanzine yesterday to talk about Varonessa and today we’re at The Book Probe chatting about the Ripers.

The tour has been so much fun, and it’s given me a chance to share with you some of my inner musings about the series. Feel free to give me feedback on how you’ve found it? Has it been interesting?

Also, I’d like to share link to some great reviews coming through, particularly the on from Karen Brooks, one of my favourite reviewers.

Check these Shine Light reviews out:

Confessions of a Booky Monster

Karen Brooks

Tsana Reads

and a new one for Burn Bright:


Welcome to another episode of Liiiiiife with Liiiisa!! Hosted by Lisa herself!

Thank you, thank you!

We all know that the holidays are coming up fast, and that means, delicious food, family and friends, fun, gifts, decorations, and so much more! I LOVE the summer, I love laying out in the middle of the day reading a book, with my two dogs right next two me, enjoying the warm sun, and just being outside. But I also really enjoy the fall and winter time! There is so much to look forward to, and this month I’m letting you in on all the things I have planned, with the fall, Halloween and my birthday coming up!

(And this post itself, is just to let you know of the fun things and Life with Lisas coming up!)

Usually I wouldn’t plan out all the things I do, because usually they’re just a spur of the moment. But this year I did, so I could share with you guys, and maybe give you a few ideas for the holidays (:

So here are the posts and what I hope to include in each:

-Trick or Treating/Costume (The meaning of Halloween, Trick or Treating, and Costume Ideas)

-Haunted House (Haunted Houses and possibly Pumpkin Patches, I plan on going to)

-Carving Pumpkins/Decorating (Pumpkin purchasing, carving, designs, and decorating my back porch!)

-Baking/Goodies (3 Dessert Recipes, possibly goodie bags!)

My Birthday (Anything! My cake, dinner, gifts, what my family, friends and boyfriend has planned, etc)

I hope you’ll be joining me in this crazy busy month, and maybe get a few ideas from these next few Life with Lisa segments! If you have any other ideas, for posts, or things I could add to posts, please let me know down in the comments!

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