
Rowling_HPPhilosophersStone_HI don’t think there is actually an official book trailer for this one; if there is, I couldn’t find it.

Now, I have a confession to make. Before this blog series, I had never really wanted to read these books, mainly because of the incredible hype surrounding them, so I came to the party over a decade late.

My first impressions are of a charming children’s story about a young boy who learns there is more to life than we can believe. I’m intrigued to see how the CGI and special effects will help or hinder this story’s transitions to the film medium.

I sniggered enough while reading on the bus that the driver nearly missed a green light because he was staring, waiting for me to tell him what was so amusing. 

The world building is fun and allows the characters to get up to plenty of mischief. The Quidditch games were fast-paced, as one would imagine them to be, and there is no way a film could down-play the excitement generated in the book and still remain a box office success.

I picked up my battered and bruised copy of The Philosopher’s Stone at Lifeline Book Fest in January for 50 cents, so I won’t make judgement on the cover.

Paperback, 223 pages

Published June 30th 1997 by Bloomsbury Publishing (first published 1997)

ISBN 0747532745 (ISBN13: 9780747532743)


Let’s get on with watching the movie, shall we?

The Film


The film brought to life some of the more complicated moments in an extravagant way. Fluffy was a stand-out for me. Considering I came from the era of George Lucas experimenting with some of the first computer animations in film, this adaption was extremely entertaining. The use of green screen is becoming less and less obvious, and this really makes anything seem possible.

I was surprised to see some of my favourite actors/ comedians who include but are not limited to Zoe Wanamaker (My Family), Warwick Davis (Willow), and John Cleese (Fawlty Towers). There’s also an uncredited part played by one Zoe Sugg (Yep, Zoella was in it). It’s really no surprise that the box office was bursting at the seams when this film made its debut in 2001.

The verdict – I think I’ll go against the norm here and say the book was better, hands down. I did like the film; it was a rollicking good time, but I think the power of the page wins out here. Perhaps the filmmakers didn’t want the dark elements to take over in something aimed at families, but I think those parts needed a bit more exposure.


It’s Ramadan, which means Eid al-Fitr is on its way. I believe that this year it falls on the 28th/ 29th of July? (Depending on where you are in the world)

For those who are unfamiliar with it, I guess Ramadan is similar to the 6 weeks of Lent. Though both are a time for spiritual reflection and the idea is to abstain from certain things, the things that makes Ramadan different are that it only lasts for 29-30 days and during the hours of sunlight, food and drink are not to be consumed.

The day after Ramadan is completed is known as Eid al-Fitr or breaking of the fast. This is a time to celebrate, feast, and show the common goal of unity. I usually get a call from my high school friend on the last day and we talk away the last few hours of sunlight.  

Here’s some fun tutorials for us those of us who may be gearing up for their own Eid celebrations or  just people who’d like a little beauty in their lives.

Some strikingly spectacular Arabic make-up by Julia from MissChievous

A lovely henna mehndi design by SuperPincessjo

And what would any feast be without cookies…? Here’s a clip for Kahk, which are Egyptian cookies with sweet fillings.


Wishing you a blissful Eid. Assalamu Aleikom!


Belinda_kisses_tnBelinda discusses the movie vs book versions of this crazily popular story.





I managed to get my hands on a copy of the unabridged audio book–cheaper than the paperback and it’s lovingly narrated by Kate Rudd.

I knew I was in for a blubber fest; YouTube is positively buzzing, and has been for years, about this book by John Green. I think the whole world will have read this book by the time the DVD comes out.

It covers themes that are well and truly in your face. There is no hiding or sugar-coating here, and in the brutally honest storytelling there is a delicate love story.

Though there were tears, there were stretches of incredible joy. Kate told the tale unflinchingly. How the heck she managed to do this through the emotions is beyond comprehension. She isn’t dissimilar to how Hazel is in the movie, so if you have a chance to give the audio book a go, I do recommend it.

Cancer is an abhorrent disease; it affects so many. When it touches and takes the lives of children, the pain is all the more excruciating. My only hope is anyone who has been moved by the book (or the film) will take the time to consider giving to charity, donating their time where possible, and striving through scientific fields to find a cure.

Okay? Okay.

Paperback, 316 pages

Published January 3rd 2013 by Penguin Books (first published January 1st 2012)

ISBN 0141345659 (ISBN13: 9780141345659)

 Audio Book



I managed to see the film in the cinema by myself on a Friday night. There were plenty of dates happening, a bunch of school girls taking up the entire row of seats in front of me, and probably about 40 of us in the theatre in total. *Sorry if I coughed too much everyone, I did try to keep it to the transitional scenes*

You could obviously tell those who had not read the book, because they didn’t always get that the actual punch line was yet to come in some scenes. Pre-emptive laughter is usually a dead giveaway.

We ALL cried our eyes out. Hugs were handed out (man, I wish I wasn’t alone) and tissues were in high demand. Boyfriends snuffled quietly and, oh jeez, we were glad the lights didn’t come up immediately. Was it worth the red noses and swollen eyes? HELL YES!

The cast was perfect. From Sam Trammell (True Blood) to Shaileen Woodley (Divergent), they could not have picked it better. I honestly hope the award season does them justice.

This was, by far, the best screen adaptation of a book I have ever seen in my life.


BOTH. Book first, for the other tiny bits the film couldn’t fit in. Then watch the film because it is really going to be a classic. It’ll be one of those movies you put in when you want the bitter sweetness of a good, sad, love story.

Some links to consider…

Savage+GardenMy first musical infatuation circa 1996!

Alright, one of Brisbane’s most iconic music stores is closing in late June. (Sad face.) The reason this store was iconic was Savage Garden front man Darren Hayes worked there.

For those of you who have no idea what the big deal is, picture 14 year old me sitting in my friends lounge room in the wee hours of a Saturday morning and, seeing 2 guys from Logan actually on RAGE (The show was better in the 90’s, trust me). Oh and this is the original clip for their first single I want you 




It was extremely surreal, being able to picture the roads they’re travelling along. Knowing they’re local boys. Man were Darren and Daniel cute to me in those days.

The follow up single, Moon and Back had me pulling parallels to my own life, so beyond everything else I felt like they were singing to my heart.

Darren read Anne Rice, and I discovered her to be an intricate storyteller.  He is one of the reasons I am still reading to this day.

Fan Club membership number 106 was MINE. I have the Fanzines for the first 3 years. I have all the TV Hits articles; anything Savage Garden tended to find its way into my possession. 

In 1999 their second album, Affirmation, was released to more tears from me. The song 2 beds and a coffee machine reminded me of a friend who was being abused by her family in high school and I haven’t seen her since our school formal. The song still chokes my up to this day.

My hubby proposed to me while we were at their Affirmation concert in 2000.

Now there is a glut of memorabilia going on sale to clear the floor for Woody’s Music to close their doors.

It’s sad to see a local icon close their doors, but if I can get my hands on something signed, I will be that 14 year old girl again for just a moment, crying when those songs came on the radio, dreaming of a big life in a sleepy city, of a time when the possibilities were endless.

So now, if you put this into context, all those screaming fan girls will grow up one day, and even if their memories make them cringe, they will always be able to remember where and how they were made to feel when the song they first became infatuated with is played on the radio.


 Belinda_kisses_tnBelinda’s green thumb is itching to plant!



I’ve talked about gardening in a few of my blogs in the past, and since it’s eventually going to turn into autumn, eventually, I figured I’d go look up a few beautiful flowering plants you may find either in your local garden centre, or in the seed section of the shops, that would be perfect to plant now.

Cineraria – It sort of looks like a crazy coloured daisy, and the meaning of the flower is delight. What better way to beat a bad day than to plant something delightful.

Cornflower – Such a beautiful blue colour when it flowers; the cornflower is used in symbolic representation all across Europe for various things. Probably the one that’ll make a mind feel at ease is Social Liberalisation.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASnapdragons – These come in a huge variety of colours and if you’re anything like me it’s difficult to see the flowers without gently pinching the blooms with their small hinged edges and making them talk. (Yes, I am strange!) The meaning can go in one of 2 different directions, either deception and denial or whimsy and grace.

Be sure to follow the directions on the packaging for maximum satisfaction. Oh and if you manage to grow anything, be sure to send us a picture. I want to see what beautiful things can come from your deliberately thinking positively.



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