Commiserations for the last episode of Doctor Who for this season. We can either wait to buy the DVD’s and mope until next year, or we can celebrate by making everything into a Who-niverse of our very own. Want to exterminate a Dalek? Here’s a tutorial on how to make Dalek cupcakes thanks to TheTofuGuru. We’re not supposed to play with our food, but how difficult will it be to avoid it when they look this convincing. Om Nom Nom.

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Want to look a little like Amy? Here’s a make-up tutorial by SuperBeautyNerd. How much does she really look like Karen… creepy much.

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But after we’ve eaten a double battalion of Dalek cupcakes we need to work it off. Here’s a little inspiration to get moving from Matt and Karen from Comic Con this year. Thanks to BBC America’s click to watch for this one.

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This should help us all get through until the Christmas special at least. See you all back in the Tardis for next Season!

Hey Everyone, Lisa here!!!

Welcome to another Life with Lisa post, I hope you’re week has been awesome! I know we all have things we need to do that aren’t always very fun, like work and school. But we all have to do them, so why not make them best of them?

Anyways, this week’s post is about friendship.

At the end of every school year at my school, they ask you to decide on the different type of classes you want to take next fall, after summer break. One thing you guys probably don’t know about me, is that I LOVE math. I’m really good at it, and that’s why I choose two AP (Advanced Placement) math classes, AP Statistic and AP Calculus.

Sorry Mr. Killen, I’m writing this Life with Lisa segment during your very interesting statistics lesson!

When I turned in my paper with all the classes I wanted to take this year, my teacher saw all of the AP classes I decided on taking, and asked me if I knew that my school also provides an AP English, and asked if I wanted to join. Of course I wouldn’t say no, I love writing!

I figured it would help me improve my writing skills and style, not only for blogging at Turning Pages, but also here with my reviews and Life with Lisa at Burn Bright. I love talking about all of the books I’ve been reading with you guys and my blogging buddies.

Recently Ms. Casberg, my English teacher, asked a this question: “Should friends tell you the truth, or make a comment even if it might hurt you?”

Thinking I had a great answer, my hand shoot right in the air, but was sadly rejected. Since I couldn’t tell anyone in class what I thought and felt about this question, I figured why not just tell you Burn Bright fans and readers!

Friends are friends, they need to be harsh at times, but their goal isn’t to hurt you, or embarrass you, their goal is to protect you and keep you safe; they don’t want you to feel hurt. They only say what’s on their mind, because they trust and love you.

Recently my best friend Hideo and I were having dinner at my house with my parents, and afterwards we planned to go hangout at another one of our friends houses. To roast marshmallows and play hide-n-seek outside in the dark. After finishing eating, I decided to use the restroom (yes! I swear I washed my hands!). I grabbed my coat, because it’s freezing at night here, where I live, and went to go put my shoes on.

At first Hideo kind of looked at me weird, and than laugh and said, “Lisa zip your pants up, no one wants to see that!”. Yeah, I admit it was rude, and yeah I was a little hurt. But on our way to our friends house, I thought about what he said. He would never want to hurt me, we’ve been through so much together. Hideo’s my best friend in the first place, because he tells me everything that’s on his mind.

In the end I really appreciated, that he told me. I would rather him tell me, in a rather harsh way, with a small chuckle, than have people laugh at me. Or look at me weird, but I would never know why, until I get back home, and want to change into pyjamas. Hideo saved me from embarrassment, and I love him for it 🙂

Let me know what you think about this! Would you rather have your friend keep their comments to themselves, or just come straight out with it?



1. The whole thing all at once:
This means that you consume life with abandon, you are fun to be with, exciting, carefree, with some hint of recklessness. You are totally irresponisble. No one should trust you with their children or small, sharp objects.

2. One bite at a time:
You are lucky to be one of the 5.4 billion other people who eat their Oreos the same exact way. And, just like them, you lack imagination, but that’s okay, not to worry–you’re normal.

3. Slow and methodical nibbles, examining the results of each bite afterwards:
You follow the rules. You’re very tidy and orderly. You’re very meticulous in every detail with everything you do to the point of being anal retentive and downright irritating to others who are just enjoying life. So, leave us alone already–and stay out of the fast lane if you’re only going to go under the speed limit.

4. In ferverous nibbles:
Your boss likes you because you get your work done quickly. You always have a million things to do and never enough time to do them.  Valium and Ritalin would probably do you some good. Take two, they’re small.

5. Dunked in some liquid (milk, coffee, etc.):
Everyone likes you because you’re always upbeat. You like to sugar coat unpleasant experiences and rationalize bad situations into good ones. You end each day with a rousing rendition of “The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow!”

6. Twisted apart, the inside, then the cookie:
You have a highly curious nature. You take pleasure in breaking things apart to find out how they work. Though not always able to put them back together, you destroy all the evidence of your activities. You would make an excellent federal employee.

7. Twisted apart, the inside, and toss the cookie:
You are good at business and take risks that pay off. You take what you want and throw the rest away. Apply now for an upper management position!

8. Just the cookie, not the inside:
You enjoy pain.

9. Just lick them, not eat them:
Stay away from small furry animals and seek professional help–immediately!

10. No favorite way – you don’t like Oreos:
You are particular and fussy about the things you buy, own, and wear. Things have to be just right. You like to be pampered. Loosen up.

Hello my fellow geeksters! Phil is back and with a vengeance! Forgive my long disappearance as I’ve been uber busy with a truckload of projects. Argh! It’s hard to keep up!

Nevertheless, I am here and ready to present you with some food for thought.

We all know the netbook has been around for some time. Some of us have bought them, others haven’t. With the onset of the iPad and all the other tablets that followed, so many of us are picking them up faster than the companies can say “ker-ching!” That puts these little guys in a bit of a pickle, as I shall now explain.

You see, netbooks are still full-fledged computers. Sure, they are smaller, cheaper and slower, but they can run (almost!) everything a normal laptop can run. Need to browse the Net? Send Emails? Create Word documents, spreadsheets, etc? No problem! They’re also great for when you’re on the go and you need more functionality and less space.

However, these guys have been falling behind since the onslaught of the tablet. They’re not new, as the first tablets came out in the early 90s (so last century!) but they were horrible (and ran Windows *shudder*). Apple turned that around in 2010, and now for every Android tablet sold, they sell 25 iPads. Not bad eh?

These things pretty much run everything a netbook does & more. And with the recent release of the Kindle Fire for $199, you have something a lot cheaper than the iPad that has a browser and Amazon’s AMAZING book selections & more.

So really, are netbooks dead? Do they still have a fighting chance in a market with so much competition? I’ll let you decide and feel free to post comments below.

Tata for now my friends! Keep it crazy, keep it geek! 🙂

Welcome to this October’s very first Life with Lisa! Update on my life: Crazy! I have tons of things going on, but I kind of like being busy, so it’s okay! I have to study for SATs and ACTs, I have normal school to worry about, my home life is busy, and blogging has been wild as well, and I’m loving it. Burn Bright just came out with our book club, so I have tons of reading to do there, Elixir, Monster High books 1, 2, and 3, Burn Bright and, finally, Angel Arias.

October’s book, though, is Elixir so if you want to join in the fun, make sure to check out our Burn Bright Book Club webpage. At the end of the month, a few of us reviewers here on Burn Bright will be discussing the book, things we enjoyed and things we didn’t enjoy as much. Yeah, some of us are married or dating some of the sweetest guys in the world. Someone who shows you off to his friends, likes watching a movie and cuddling together, or just someone who you can all around have a good time with, BUT! Yes, but! We can also have movie star crushes! What’s wrong with liking it when a guy (a very cute, and worked out guy) takes of his shirt in a movie? Nothing.  So, this Life with Lisa post is just about my top 3 cutest actors, and if you know me, you should know who my number one is!

#1. Taylor Lautner.

I promise it’s just a coincidence, that my boyfriend looks almost like him! (Holy Toledo! – Ed.). (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Shark Boy and Lava Girl, Valentines Day, Abduction).

#2. Ryan Gosling.

(Crazy, Stupid, Love, Drive, The Ides of March, All Good Things).

#3. Justin Timberlake.

(Bad Teacher, Friends with Benefits, In Time, The Social Network).

Burn Bright Book Club Webpage!

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