Belinda_kisses_tnBelinda Hamilton reviews one of my favourite movies.



veronica_mars_keyartVeronica Mars the Movie (Kick started by the fans for the fans)

I think this would have to be the single most warm fuzzy moment of my weekend. I just finished watching the extra clip on the Veronica Mars movie DVD. (That is after watching the film itself, of course.)

If you hadn’t heard, after season three (2007) Veronica Mars was axed. (Bet those guys are kicking themselves now, huh?) Veronica still had more stories to tell, so Rob Thomas had an idea…

It began with a promo clip on YouTube…

Then when the project went live on the Kick Starter website on April 13 2013, these are just some of the records that were smashed to bits include:

  • Fastest project to reach $1 million.
  • Fastest project to reach $2 million.
  • All-time highest-funded project in FILM category.
  • Third highest-funded project in Kickstarter history.
  • Most project backers of any project in Kickstarter history.

Filming began in Early June 2013 and on 14 of March 2014 the film was available to one and all worldwide.

So now, the big question is, were the 91,585 people who donated over 5.7 MILLION dollars wasting their time and well earned money?

Hell no!

Thank you to every one of you for getting it done. Thank you to Rob Thomas for not making Veronica suck in her long awaited return to our screens. And oh what a return it was.

Ten years after graduating Neptune High, Veronica is doing her best to avoid the class reunion. As with all her best laid plans, it all goes haywire when she gets the call from one Logan Echolls, who is, yet again, up to his neck in poop and sinking fast.

Almost all of the old gang were back: Weevil, Mac, Logan, Piz, Wallace, Keith, and a 20 something year old Veronica Mars doing what she does best, being the smartest person in the room

Everything is there: the grit, the tension, the smouldering looks between Veronica and Logan, even the old theme song gets a nod.  

There are quite a few shows I have been really upset to see go, Moonlight, Firefly, Dark Angel and the list goes on. I doubt, besides Firefly, that the fan bases of any of those shows would move mountains to get just one last hurrah from their favourite characters.

If you have any love for the TV series, I urge you to get the DVD and watch it.

This is certainly a master class in having the last word… and making it count. 

Shirvington_Empower-cover-AUSWow! How does one review the last book in a series a) without giving away HUGE spoilers to the 4 books previous in the series, and b) without giving away all the important bits in this book?

I was given a copy of the trade paperback to read, but as I’ve been plagued by migraines of late, I enlisted the lovely efforts of both Bolinda Audio and Brisbane City Council Libraries to keep up with, not only the in-between books, Entice, Emblaze, and Endless, but also this final instalment in the Violet Eden Chapters, Empower.  Online borrowing is da bomb.

The journey has been far from easy for Violet. I believe Empower is most certainly the best and most satisfying book of the lot. You’ll be swept up in the maelstrom of insanity, but the resolutions are exactly how they should be. The series really should be read in the correct order to gain maximum inpact.

Rebecca Macauly’s voice has brought the series to life for me, and on more than one occasion I caught myself tearing up or gasping in horror of what Jessica has Violet enduring.  For me, this is what Violet sounds like, and I genuinely hope you’ll give the audio books a chance.

Purchase the Violet Eden Chapters from Bolinda Audio

If you are a member of the Brisbane City Council Libraries you can borrow the audio books online, through the BCC online catalogue, just follow the links and log in to borrow anywhere up to 10 books for 14 days.

 Paperback, 464 pages

Published, November 12th 2013

ISBN 0734415109 (ISBN13: 9780734415103)


meyer_scarletFairytale re-tellings can either be completely brilliant or total poop. Marissa Meyer is a master at taking things to the limit of unconventionality and making it obscenely awesome.

Scarlet is the second book in the Lunar Chronicles and it took me ages to get my hands on a copy. So either it was really popular, or the book sellers here do not have any clue as to the calibre of story Meyer creates.

Little Red Riding Hood has never made me this excited. Red teams up with Wolf to save Grandma, and along the way her tale tangles with Cinder’s. Oh, what a twisted web they weave, but oh, how the web will grip you.

This is fast paced; full of action and adventure, you’ll be looking for book three, Cress, the moment you’ve read the last word on the final page. I promise.

Paperback, 452 pages

Published February 7th 2013 by Peguin Books (first published February 5th 2013)

ISBN 0141340231 (ISBN13: 9780141340234)

young_the programBel:


The hard cover’s dust jacket is stark white with two teens hand in hand, backs to the viewer, in yellow scrubs. With the dust jacket off, the fresh faced teens are facing forward. They both, however, are utterly miserable looking.


There is a plethora of hate-able characters in this angst- filled book–though it is difficult to separate the person from the situations they’re put into and how they survive to the best of their abilities.


James. Some things never change.

Least Favourite

Sloane’s parents. UGH!


Suicide is at epidemic proportions in the under 18’s. So The Program has been invented to ‘save’ at risk teens.


Sloane’s picked for The Program; she endures and assimilates.


Things are never as black and white or clean cut as the ones in power would like.


I don’t know if I was in a bad head space when I started reading this book, or the book triggered a bad head space, but I do not recommend it for anyone with mental illness. It is far from a happy book, and by the end, I was ready to let my black dog catch me.

Perhaps some parts hit a little too close to home. Perhaps it was the parents and society using medications and ‘reprogramming’ instead of listening and using alternative preventative measures to treat their teens.


“I bet she looks beautiful,” my mother says. “The returners always look so healthy, don’t they Don?”

Kids help line  1800 55 1800

Life line  13 11 14




This cover is the perfect representation of the book. So far it’s been my favourite cover over all. The image of Lyla and James in yellow uniforms staring down a white hall represents the feeling of the book well.



James: He showed the most emotions and things that I wanted to feel as a reader trying to identify with the characters.

Least Favourite

Sloane: I couldn’t connect with her or her family.


Suicide rates have been rising and the school systems are implementing new programs to help them cope with the loss of loved ones but also to keep those survivors alive.


With suicide now an international epidemic, Sloane knows her parents will do anything to keep her alive. Everyone who’s been through The Program returns as a blank slate. Their depression is gone—but so are their memories. The only person Sloane can be herself with, is James. They are both growing weaker, depression is setting in, and The Program is coming for them.


What I liked about the ending is that it gives us hope for the 2nd book in the series. It leaves us with the sense that there’s more out there to discover.


I had a hard time getting emotionally invested in a story in which all emotions are suppressed. Everything is so depressing. Mourning is not allowed and the actions that the parents and teachers take were very outlandish in my opinion. What I did appreciate about the book was the ending and the hint at an even bigger idea that could really take this story to exciting places.


“I’m so alone. It’s like being dead but still conscious.”

“It’s like I never existed. We had so many secrets together and now they’re just mine. The weight of them is too heavy for me to carry.”




I absolutely LOVE the cover on this one, for so, SO many reasons! First off, the white background: I like how it looks so clean, bright, and it makes the yellow suits REALLY stick out. Besides that, I also like that we can’t see the models’ faces. I’m just so tired of book covers where faces take over the entire thing! I feel like it ruins the character for me because the face on the cover doesn’t look anything like I imagine the character to look.


There were quite a few characters in this book that I despised, and one or two that kind of grew on me.


This one is tough…I had such a hard time connecting with characters in this book simply because the way things worked in this world, and how EVERYONE just went right along with it, and never thought to question anything. If I REALLY (and I mean REALLY!!) had to pick someone, I would have to agree with Bel and Krista, and go with James. But I would also have to pick Sloane. Why you may ask? Because of their feelings and because they seemed to be the only ones to recognize just how wrong this entire situation is.

Least Favorite

Where should I start? Sloane’s parents? For goodness sake! Your child is being dragged away to this crazy place, which will completely wash out some of her memories! She will be stuck there for weeks under drugs. What else has to happen to her for their parental instinct to finally kick in?


The beginning of this story and the way this society runs is what suckered me in reading The Program: a world without emotions? How is that even possible? With brain washing and lots of drugs, I guess. Sloane and James (her boyfriend/brother’s best friend) are dealing with the lost of Sloane’s brother. But that’s pretty hard to do when you can’t express any sort of grief and when there’s threat of being sent to the “looney bin.”


Sloane is picked up and brought to the program. She doesn’t know what happens inside, but Sloane does know that the people who come back from The Program are cleansed and cleared of any sort of emotion. The majority of this book follows Sloane’s journey through The Program and the difficulty of dealing with these memories she can’t remember but somehow knows, after she gets released.


I don’t actually want to say what happens in the end, but this was definitely my favourite part of the book. Like Krista said, there is a little bit of hope and insight into the second book, The Treatment. And just Bel said, things aren’t always what they seem. I couldn’t put it in any better terms than Krista and Bel did.

Overall Thoughts

Overall, the story was interesting. Some of the characters were frustrating, but a few did grow on me. I liked The Program, but I did struggle a bit getting through it. I listened to it on audio (which may be why I was struggling my way through the story) and felt that some parts were just dragged out. When Sloane was in the program, I just felt like this part took SO long, and SO many things said seemed to be repeated over and over again.

I do plan on picking up The Treatment, but before I do, I will be reading The Program in physical form again, instead of listening to it on audio.

Paul_Belladonna 2In Belladonna we’re heading away from the lustre of Venice and the elusive and anonymous happenings at glamorous masquerade parties of the top echelon of Venetian society. Cassandra is in a life or death struggle to find out who and why her fiancé Luca was arrested for heresy. To clear his name, she travels to Florence in search for the Book of the Eternal Rose.

As with the Fiona’s first book, Venom, nobody can be trusted and all are suspected of hindering Cass’ progress. Falco is still driving me crazy as a character. I don’t know where he stands and what his motives are, and it makes my blood boil.

The use of Florence as a backdrop takes me back to my art theory days in high school and grabs me in a way I wasn’t expecting. I love the opulence of high society and the lavish way a good proportion of the characters live.

Medical science was still in its infancy in these historical mysteries, and if you have a weak stomach, beware; do not snack while reading these books. There are entries from The Book of Eternal Rose at the commencement of each chapter and the clinical nature of them certainly adds to the mood and the relevancy of Cass’ plight.

If you’re in the mood for something a little different, a little posh, and a little gory, go find Fiona’s Secrets of the Eternal Rose series.

Belladonna was released in the middle of last year, so I feel like I’m playing catch up on this series. I saw book 3, Starling, on the shelves this week and I’m very, very, tempted to spend the 14 dollars to find out what happens to Cassandra, and what the hell Falco is playing at.

Paperback, 352 pages

Published July 1st 2013 by HarperCollinsPublishers Australia

ISBN 0732295939 (ISBN13: 9780732295936)


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