By The Bel: Make Friends with the Sandman
Having everyone tell you about needing a good night’s rest around exam time can sometimes be counter productive. You think about it, worry about it so much, that the next thing you know, you’re battling insomnia and are catching a nap in English class.
Here are ten tips to try to get things back on track… hopefully before the insomnia gets out of control.
#1 Sort out a to do list for the next day so you can stop thinking so hard about what needs to be done.
#2 Caffeine should be avoided at least 6 hours before bed.
#3 Have a warm bath (try using a lavender-based body wash to kick the body into low gear)
#4 Camomile tea (tastes nasty but does the trick)
#5 Comfy Pj’s.
#6 Dark room at the right temperature (cool is better than warm).
#7 Try to get into a routine and stick to a bed time.
#8 Send your phone calls to message bank if you MUST use your mobile phone for an alarm, if you don’t, remember to turn them off, and put them in another room to avoid the temptation of checking social network sites in the middle of the night.
#9 Listen to a relaxation CD. (Best one I’ve ever used was by Tottie Goldsmith )
#10 Try not to nap in the afternoon as this can throw off your sleep pattern.
If you would like to add your own tips to this mix go ahead, and remember to let us know if you try out the tips and they work for you.
Sweet dreams!