By The Bel: Funk Breaker
How to get your brain ticking over.
Funks suck, and I’m not talking about that Wild Cherry song…
which can pull you out of any bad mood!
You know what I’m talking about. Moods that resemble something that would create a weather warning if it were to be let loose on the world. Feeling like you can’t get out of your own way and damn it, if only you could think about something else, ANYTHING else, you’d be able to get on with what ever it is the funk is holding you back from.
Here are a few things I do to rip myself out of a funk (besides playing the Wild Cherry song that is)
- Go for a walk. You really can not be angry if you walk far enough.
- Retail therapy. A new lipstick can be a mood lifter.
- Manicure. I do my own so I can do nail art and go crazy with colour without breaking the bank. Compliments can make you smile.
- Fresh air. After a winter of windows closed and not a whole lot of air flowing through the house, throw those windows wide… burn some incense to get the ball rolling.
- Spring cleaning. UGH yuck. Works though… damn it!
- Eating fresh fruit. All that healthy vitamin stuff, but that crunch of a really good apple or the tang of a kiwi fruit. Yep, sounds like bliss to me.
- Dance around your living room to a good song. *note, this is even better with the disapproving stares of a younger sibling or your kid while you get down and boogie.
Visit the library and try a new author, genre or format of book. If you always stick to the Morganville Vampires, you’ll be missing out on all the other fangy fiends that can change your outlook. Try an audio book, a large print book or a graphic novel. Borrowing from the library is the best way to get something new without the risk of paying for something you may not like.
- Watch your favourite movie. That daggy one that you don’t tell anyone you actually like.
- Pamper you pets. Brush them, play with them, make them bliss out. They’ll love it and you’ll giggle at the expressions they make. (in lieu of a pet, maybe volunteer at the RSPCA or another animal shelter. All animals need a little love)
Good luck beating the funk. Let me know if any of these tips work for you too!