Bel Reviews: Brigid Kemmerer's - "Elemental", "Fearless" and "Breathless"

Kemmerer_Elemental SeriesI make no secret of how much I adore Brigid Kemmerer’s Elementals series. It’s so difficult for me to act my age with the thought of the Merrick brothers being involved in another chronicle in the not so distant future. I have also been exploring the new world (for me at least) of ebooks.

What better way to lure me in, Brigid, than putting out Elemental novelettes that are only in eBook/ Kindle format. So after I’d charged my new tablet, downloaded the Kindle app, and sat my butt down in a coffee shop (I don’t have wifi at home) the very next thing I did was download, book 0.5 otherwise known as Elemental, book 1.5, AKA Fearless and signed myself up to receive Breathless, which just happens to be book 2.5. And then between review books I delved into the luscious lives of the magnificent Merrik boys.

We are treated to bits and pieces that happen between the physical books, and though they probably aren’t mandatory reading to have things make sense, I feel these eBooks add even more depth to an already rich picture for each of these young men, who do their best to make it in the world.

Elemental follows Michael Merrick and his exploring new ground (Ha, he’s an earth elemental, get it?) with fellow elemental Emily Morgan. Typical parental units cannot keep their noses out of things and you’ll have to read it to find out more.

Fearless allows us to view the inner thoughts of Hunter Garrity, who, though he isn’t a Merrick brother, doesn’t mean he isn’t smoking hot in the broodingly powerful department (you may remember him from Storm as the guy with the dog). And you guessed it, you’ll have to read more to find out how and why he is the way he is.

Breathless blew my mind with its twist. You will now be forced to go back and reread every section of Storm and Spark with Nick Merrick in it. I promise it’s worth it.

So now having read all these delicious bite-sized pieces of plot from the well crafted characters and amazingly vivid world these stories take place in, there is little for me to do but wait. Wait until Brigid can take pity on us fan girls and throw us a brand new book to rip through in a matter of hours, only to throw our hands up in frustration that we now have to wait until the next time we shall wander along with the Merrick boys.



Kindle Edition, 1st Edition, 50 pages

Published March 27th 2012 by K Teen (Kensington)



Kindle Edition, 44 pages

Published July 31st 2012 by K Teen (Kensington)



Kindle Edition

Published April 30th 2013 by Kensington Teen


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