Bel reviews: Ben Chandler—"Quillblade"
Bel Says
I invite you to come on a wild adventure with me and some of my newest friends; well, maybe they’re not personal friends, but they sure do feel like it after reading the steampunk-esque novel, Quillblade, by Ben Chander.
Lenis and his twin sister Missy have joined the crew of the Hiryu. They’re thrown into a life of intrigue and the whole crew is embroiled in a mission to save the world by finding and rescuing the last untainted Totem.
Ben Chandler has single-handedly rewritten what I think of as steampunk. His use of small mammals in place of coal, a mixture of East meets West for fashions, and an almost Middle Eastern flavour to the demons all contribute to sweeping you up in Ben’s unique worldbuilding.
If you even remotely enjoyed the movie Treasure Planet, this book will spark something inside of you that may have been dormant for a while. A sense of hope, a yearning for adventure, and a pure frustration that the next book in this six part series isn’t yet on the shelves.
I was enthralled by the gentle hints of spirituality. Between the tainted mind of the soul-stealing Lord Raiko, and the constant pursuit of ’the way’, I was left feeling intensely invested in the motley crew aboard the Hiryu.
If you decide to join me on this adventure, hold on tightly. With Lenis and his bestia, Aeris, powering the ship we’re in for a hair-raising ride.
All Aboard!
“Quillblade” by Ben Chandler
September 1, 2010, by Random House Australia
Paperback, 432 Pages
ISBN: 9781864719789