Beaus with Bel – 10 Tips for Dating one of Santa's Elves @ Christmas

You met him in February and this is your first Christmas season together. Take it from me, this is not the time of year to want the mushy merriment you’d get with someone with less responsibility. This will be the time of year when he needs quiet understanding and your loyal support. After all, who do you think does all the hard work at the North Pole?

10 – Get your gift purchasing out of the way early in the year (before October to be extra safe) to avoid making the poor guy go through tinsel trauma when heading to the local shops on his weekends at home.
9 – He’ll be working overtime at the North Pole for the last three months of the year at least, so Christmas in July will be a good idea if you actually want to do the mistletoe thing (without him breaking out in stress-induced hives, that is.)
8 – No matter what horrible stories he brings home about his working environment, it is not okay to pass on what a scrooge Santa actually is. The Santa/Satan shirt needs to stay between the two of you to avoid legal action from his boss.

7 – Research movies and TV shows where Santa is blown up, killed, arrested, etc. It’ll make him giggle.

12 Pains of Christmas
6 – Keep a constant supply of  antihistamines on hand for when he’s on reindeer duty. Hay fever sucks.
5 – Put the ‘No Caroling Please’ sign out early. Nothing quite like Christmas Carol Cruelty to have him huddled in a corner. He really did see his Mummy kissing Santa Claus. Poor thing.
4 – Make sure his black clothes are always laundered. The last thing he needs is for his only clean clothing to be red or green.
3 – At the work Christmas party, it is NOT okay to get yourself sloshed and tell Mrs. Claus what you really think about her husband and how you really don’t appreciate her pinching your boyfriend’s butt.
2 – Attend all union meetings. You may be needed as crowd control when Santa refuses to allow the elves to paint the reindeer’s hooves safety orange. Reindeer games get rather dangerous for people of small stature.

1 – Want to buy him something extremely nice for Christmas? Get him and his mates paintball vouchers and pay your brother to dress as Santa and let them go crazy. Revenge on brother dear and happy partner, the best of both worlds.

Merry Xmas! Good Luck!

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