Don't Call Me Ishmael!
Bec Says
I read this on the New York Times website the other day:
Can you believe there are going to be hordes of little Cullens running around the world? No, not just Edward…but CULLEN (just so there’s no mistaking *which* brooding, bloodsucking stalker your bundle of joy has been named after). I predict a spate of name-changing in about 15 years!
So I’m wondering… Were *you* named after a book character? ? Did your Mum call you Darcy or Tess…or Hannibal?! Do you have a literary nickname? Do your friends call you Pollyanna… or Frodo?… or Voldemort? Or have you named a pet after a literary character? Got a canine called Cujo? A hamster called Hamlet? A rat called Rhett?