By the Bel: Unexpected Christmas Gifts #2
Give the gift of a farm animal… even if they live in a flat.
If you’re reading this, chances are you live in a world where you want for lots but really need for very little. However there are those around the world who would live a much better life if they had just a little more.
This idea is the Oxfam Unwrapped initiative.
So the idea is you purchase a card from $10 through to $150 and you’ll be helping those in disadvantaged areas to have livestock or clean water… or even something as simple as seeds to have crops.
For more information head to
If it’s a gift for a child maybe you’d like to add in a small animal figurine to help explain what you’re doing for others in their name. It is never too early to teach kids the value of looking after the less fortunate.
Here’s a clip to explain more.